Women’s Issues

Gender Based Violence and Women Empowerment

Lebanon has made limited progress in promoting gender equality, empowering women, and opening the space for women to play their part in achieving sustainable development. It is broadly accepted that despite many advantages and acquired rights, Lebanese women continue to face discrimination at numerous levels, keeping gender equality in Lebanon an elusive objective.

Gender Inequality in Lebanon is considered to be particularly stark. According to the Gender Gap index, Lebanon ranks third to last in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region (ranked at 135), only Syria and Yemen have a worse gender gap ranking, 142 and 144 respectively (WEF, 2016: 228). Since 2010, Lebanon has seen a consistent decline in its global index rank and relative gender gap score.

In addition to gender inequality, gender-based violations against women in Lebanon is higher than the estimated average worldwide. Gender-based violence can have serious consequences for individuals, from grave physical harm to lasting psychological trauma and even death. This systematic violation of women’s human right, silences women and prevents them from raising their voices.

Darouna, aims to provide women with as many empowerment opportunities as possible in south Mount Lebanon as well as raise awareness on gender-based violence.