Our Mission

Welcome to Darouna! We are a Lebanese based non-profit, non-governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to the region of southern Mount Lebanon.

Our mission is to promote the underdeveloped areas of south Mount Lebanon in six core areas: housing, agriculture and environment, infrastructure works, humanitarian, women’s issues, as well as health and education.

Southern mount Lebanon, also known as “Jabal Lebnan”, is an underserved area in Lebanon. It has the least funding from within Lebanon and receives the least amount of aid from abroad. Typically, the economic problems within Lebanon are first felt in these rural areas by its year-round residents. However, these areas are the last ones served and helped. Health care, housing, roads, electricity and other basic needs lag behind other areas in Lebanon. The towns that are targeted are:

Aazoneyyeh, Aabey, Aghmeed, Ain Aanoub, Ainab, Ain Dara, Ain Drafil, Ain El Remaneh, Ain El Saydeh, Ain Treiz, Aitat, Aley, Aramoun. Badghan, Basateen, Baissour, Bdadoun, Bechamoum, Bhamdoun, Bkeshtey, Bleibel, Bmahray, Bmakin, Bserrine, Bsous, Chartoun, Charoun, Chemlane, Choueifat, Deir Kobbel, Dfoun, Houmal, Kahale, Kaifun, Kfarmatta, Ktaily, Majd L Baana, Majdlaya, Mecherfe, Mrayjet, Qmatiye, Ramlieh, Rechmaya, Rimhala, Sarhmoul Saoufar, Sharoun, Silfaya, Souk El Gharb, and Shanay.

Darouna, meaning “our home” in Arabic, aims to support the southern region of Mount Lebanon through programs that provide a safe and nurturing home.

We, at Darouna, have a vision to build and develop the southern area of Mount Lebanon with transparent, non-profit projects in which every resident gets the sense of home and community they deserve.

We work with children, families and communities regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender.