Housing Projects

Thousands of families were displaced from their hometowns in south Mount Lebanon as a result of the Lebanese civil war-Many of them moved to the suburbs of the capital city, Beirut. As Beirut continues to be congested and rents continue to increase most families live in substandard apartments and find it hard to sustain rents with no hope for ever owning their own homes.

In addition, COVID 19 and the recent explosion in Beirut has added a further strain on housing for the low to middle income families.


Darouna Foundation proudly donated an all-expenses paid furnished apartment housing to individuals and/or families during COVID-29 for the purpose of isolating and quarantining those exposed to the virus.

All housing assignments were managed by the Ministry of Health and billed to us.


Beirut Explosion Housing

The recent Beirut explosion has added a heavy strain on housing for low middle income families in Beirut. Darouna proudly donated an all expenses paid furnished apartment to families and individuals in need.

We Impacted 20 families with this donation.


Affordable Housing

Thousands of families were displaced from their hometowns in south Mount Lebanon as a result of the Lebanese civil war-Many of them moved to the suburbs of the capital city, Beirut. As Beirut continues to be congested and rents continue to increase most families live in substandard apartments and find it hard to sustain rents with no hope for ever owning their own homes.

Darouna is currently raising funds to design and build green sustainable affordable housing to families in south Mount Lebanon. Our goal is to impact 500 families..