Health & Education

 Hospitals in south Mount Lebanon lag behind those in Lebanon’s larger cities in terms of expertise, equipment, facilities and care. A teaching hospital currently does not exist in southern Mount Lebanon.

Education has always been a pillar in Lebanon with a 95% literacy rate. Southern Mount Lebanon has a shortage of schools and children have to travel long distances to obtain their education.



We are currently raising funds to open and operate a polyclinic in south Mount Lebanon that will serve approximately 5000 families. This polyclinic will be located in a region that does not have hospitals or clinics nearby. This clinic will provide free general and specialist examinations and treatments to all its patients.

Mobile Medical Unit

We are also currently raising funds to build and operate a mobile medical unit that will serve all remote areas of the southern Mount Lebanon region and provide the basic medical care that is needed in those areas.



Darouna is currently studying ways to establish schools for all ages in South Mount Lebanon.